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Not for Profit Entities (Topic 958) Presentation of Financial Statements of Not for Profit Entities ASU No. 2016-14 August 2016

BA110919 11/09/2019 de 9:00AM a 12:30PM

Not for Profit Entities (Topic 958) Presentation of Financial Statements of Not for Profit Entities ASU No. 2016-14 August 2016 - Capítulo de Bayamón


Authoritative literature, terminology and technical guidance. Not-for-profit entities vs business entities. Review of fund accounting concepts. Cash and investments accounts, endowment issues and related disclosures. Transfer of assets to NFPO or charitable trusts. Transactions between financially interrelated organizations. Contributions and exchange transactions. Income from government grants and contracts. Planned giving arrangements. Program expenses, non-allocated costs, revenue recognition and other accounting matters. Formats and reporting. Governmental units, credit unions, colleges and universities, healthcare organizations and welfare organizations are not covered by this course.


Upon completion of this seminar participants will be able to

  1. Distinguish Not for Profit Entities from business entities.
  2. Distinguish Accounting for Not for Profit Entities from accounting for business entities.
  3. Use the new reporting model, financial statements presentations, disclosures, terminology as established by ASU 2016-14 dated August 2016.

Instructor: Felipe M. Del Rosario, CPA
                    CPA Felipe Miguel del Rosario & Asociados, CSP

CPE Credits: 4 (Accounting & Auditing)

Date: Saturday, November 9, 2019

Registration: 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.                Seminar: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Place: American University of PR, Bayamón, Auditorio 1

Materials: This course will be paperless and the materials will be distributed electronically. Download them through "Mi Perfil", on the Colegio's website, where will be available for seven days after the event. Electronic devices may be brought to the classroom to access the downloaded materials.

Electronic evaluation: Once you have registered your entry to this educational activity, you can quickly and easily access and complete the evaluation through "Mi Perfil".  On our website "Home" page you will find detailed instructions for completing the form.

Notice: The Capítulo reserves the right to substitute instructors and suspend a course due to insufficient enrollment or other causes beyond our control.  We reserve the right to refuse admission.  Space is limited.  Registration is subject to the aveilable slots.  The tuition price for Capítulo members applies to those whose Colegio's and Capitulo's membership fees are up to membership fee is up to date at the time of registration.  The tuition price for CPA applies to those who at the time of registration do not owe debts to the Colegio."


Accounting and Auditing 3.50

Precio General
US$ 60.00